Japanese films, X-Box Games, 43 Things.
This morning I've mostly been...43 things, people, places / X-Box Games Rental / Japanese films
The Boy is not really sleeping during his nap this morning. More kind of...being mostly quiet, and sometimes playing. I am however spending my time browsing the Japanese films on my DVD rental site. How on earth do tyou know where to start, when all you've seen are a few Miyazaki / Ghibli films? I've added a couple of the Samurai / Yazuka films I've heard Johnathan Ross talk about in Japanorama and so on. I'm not sure they'll be our thing but we might as well give them a go, else we'll never know. I know we like the horror films a la 'Ring' so I've added a few more of them. You do have to be in the right mood to be scared witless though. I'd like to see more anime but I just don't know what!
On that note, I've found a wonderful site called anime planet which, if you tell it which anime you like, it tells you what other animes you might like! All submitted by users of the site, and all have a little synopsis with them so you can have a read and see if you might like them. What a fantastic, perfect idea! I now have *lots* on my list to check out. Wooh!
Of course, my other big problem is that my DVD rental people have just started doing games. Including X-Box games. Now, I bought The Hubby an X-Box for his birthday last year, I think it was, so that would mean it's not even a year old. We like RPGs and action adventure type games, and I've done all the 'big name' ones I've heard of - The 2 KOTORs, Fable Lost Chapters, Jade Empire (loved this), and a few others. We've also got Unreal Championship for when we're in those moods and I've got Buffy Chaos Bleeds for that kind of fun. Oh and Morrowind is one of my favourites...you can just play it for years. That's it, though, and we've never known if anything else was worth it. Now though we can rent them? Mmmm. I'm looking at a lot of my day vanishing, aren't I?
I've also been adding to my

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