Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Allotmenty goodness

Dandelion tea, mmmmm.

So, another weekend in the allotment, the poor garden is being entirely ignored! It was a hot one though and we couldn't do a great deal of work. The hubby with his azada finished off the new bed that's the other side of the 'fennel divide' and managed to plant a few of our beans for drying out in it (butter beans, cannelini beans, borlotti beans, and kidney beans) as well as sowing some more bean seeds for a later crop and transplanting our leeks from the seed bed. I did a bit of weeding, and generally melted.

Exciting stuff:
- not only are the 3-crowns-of-asparagus-for-£1 or whatever silly price they were, growing, but also the row that we paid £1.05 for SEEDS have mostly germinated! Woot - we DO have an asparagus patch after all!
- the mangetout are arriving - and we've eaten 3 teeny ones of the plants already - absolutely lovely...nomnomnom.
- the peas are getting fat
- the redcurrants are turning red
- the potatoes are flowering
- the little gems are hearting

It's just all happening at the moment, faster than we can keep up with it, really.

In other news, hubby got some new XBox games for his birthday (Mass Effect, Bioshock), I'm knitting myself a headband before I go back to 'sensible' stuff 'cause it's soooo hot. Learning to crochet next weekend as I got 'The Happy Hooker' for my birthday last month, and on Thursday, the new 'Let's Knit' will have a beginners guide and some bamboo hooks, so I'll have no excuse. Fathers Day on Sunday as well as the Farmers Market, so that's nice, and end of the month is Miyavi gig folled by Hemsby-holiday which I'm trying to plan our activities for. So far they mostly involve pubs.

Things we're currently excited by include :
-Hugh F-W making Dandelion & burdock beer - we're growing Japanese Burdock in the allotment. Hmm. *chin-stroking, pondering*.
-Just general wine, beer, and tea making from, well, everything growing in our garden that won't poison us, basically.
-Oh and of course the River Cottage Spring 'cause we love River Cottage and it always makes us feel like we can do that too.
-Cosplay plans for October London Expo...got a few ideas, not sure where we're going with them yet, we shall see.
-and again - MIIIIIYYYYYAAAAVVVVVVIIIIIIII in a couple of weeks! eeeeeeeee! I have the tickets out on display and I keep catching 'Miyavi' out of the corner of my eye and having very squee moments.
-Ooh and talking of squee - the Moffat 2-parter in Doctor Who? Everything I hoped it would be and more. *happy sigh*.

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